Published September 17, 2015 in Quad-Cities online.
The original article can be found here.
The Putnam Museum, 1717 W. 12th St., Davenport. launched a new exhibit, Quad Cities Jewish Heritage, that will run through January 2016.
Visitors will experience the regional and national impact created by the Jewish communityof the Quad-Cities. The exhibit tells the story of the first Jewish settlers in the community and how they paved the way for additional Jews to be able to live and establish themselves in the are by creating cemeteries, study groups and finally, synagogues.
Artifacts and stories from the local Jewish population paint a picture of everyday life and a sense of how we can relate with our neighbors. Visitors will also examine their contributions in the arts, finance, business, medicine and philanthropy.
The Quad Cities Jewish Heritage Exhibit was made possible in large thanks to the local Jewish Community. Many members came to the Putnam with family heirlooms and stories to include in the exhibit. The project was also undertaken with the support and involvement of the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities and director Allan Ross, and guest curator, Art Pitz. Additional funding from the Federation, Humanities Iowa, Illinois Humanities, the Iowa Arts Council (a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs) and the Rauch Family Foundation II contributed in making the exhibit a reality.
The exhibit is included in general admission.