In The News

Glen Bishop Presentation Monday at the Museum

From The Southern Illinoisan
July 31, 2015

On Monday, Civil War historian and Union County resident Glen Bishop will give a presentation, “Southern Illinoisans in the Civil War: Two Crucial Battles of the Altanta Campaign.” It takes place at 7 p.m. at the Gen. John A. Logan Museum in Murphysboro.

Bishop became interested in the region’s Civil War history about 20 years ago, when he was asked to help broker some antiques belonging to a Jonesboro man, according to a July 30, 2014, issue of The Murphysboro American. Bishop found photos of uniformed family ancestors among the man’s antiques, and he became interested in that history. He began his research at SIU’s Morris Library.

“It was like reading from the phone book,” Bishop said in the article. “Because many of you are descended from these men is the reason I love giving these presentations.”

His Monday appearance will focus on two of the major battles at the end of the Atlanta campaign, in which Gen. Logan played a huge part and saw victory against the Confederacy.

Bishop often appears as a Union soldier in his presentations.

“Glenn’s emotional connection to these soldiers as individuals is intense,” said Mike Jones, director of the museum. “He has a great empathy for these people.”

The presentation is sponsored in part by a grand from the Illinois Humanities Council, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Illinois General Assembly.


The original article can be found here.