Past Event

MR. U. S. Grant: A Man and A Patriot!

A Road Scholar Program by Dan Haughey

Dan Haughey dressed as Ulysses S GrantIn period costume and character, Dan performs a one-act play focusing on Grant’s early years and rise to Civil War fame as General of Union Armies in the Western in Theatre.

"Troubled by the controversy of the Battle of Shiloh in 1862 and struggling with eulogy of my best friend and subordinate officer, General C. F. Smith, I flashback to reflect on the parallels of my life as a citizen-soldier from West Point, the Mexican War, hard times between the wars, and through the early challenges of the Civil War, including my life in Illinois." –Dan "in the field" as Grant

This one-act is poignant view of Grant’s private and public life, and his values of serving his Country and promoting unity.

This event is Free and Open to the public. For more information, please contact Bruce Harmel at

Shepherd of the Hills Church COVID-19 Policy

We follow local recommendations issued by local government, C.D.C.,etc., as to masking, social distancing and sanitation. We might move our venue to a better ventilated location is the covid infection rate became high. We have suspended meetings in the past during local surges in viral infections.

Learn more about Dan Haughey, this program, and how to book it.