A Road Scholar Program by Kim Sigafus
Dressed in traditional Ojibwa regalia, author Kim Sigafus will share her knowledge of many aspects of Native American cultures. Kim will discuss Native people who lived in Illinois in the 1800s and their traditions. She will describe Native American food-ways, including the planting of the Three Sisters: corn, beans, and squash. Drumming and singing, she will share a traditional lullaby with the audience and will teach them a song.
Audiences will learn some Native American language and be able to view and handle Native artifacts. There will be opportunities for audience participation, including an invitation into a drum and rain stick circle. The presentation can be tailored for adults or children.
Upon request, Kim can incorporate sampling of Native food and/or a Talking Feather craft class into the presentation.
This event is Free and Open to the public. For more information, please contact Bob Conklin at bconklin@molinelibrary.org.