A Road Scholar Program by Barbara Kay
In her ninety years, Clara Barton was a teacher, a clerk for the federal government, a Civil War nurse, and an activist for many causes, but she is probably best known as the founder of the American Red Cross. Through her tenacious leadership, Miss Barton brought the United States a tremendous gift: a volunteer spirit that aimed to help others not only in one’s own community, but across the nation and around the world. Clara Barton and her band of volunteers brought comfort and aid to millions, including many in Illinois. More than a century later, her dreams and goals remain alive through her organization.
Through her first person portrayal, Barbara Kay brings Clara Barton to life, telling the inspiring story of her many accomplishments.
This event is Free and Open to the public. For more information, please contact Jennifer Blessman – blessmanjennifer@comcast.net.