In The News

Logan museum receives grant

This article orginally appeared in The Southern

The General John A. Logan Museum in Murphysboro received a grant of $4,850 from the Illinois Humanities Council to support research, writing and development of the exhibit and documentary “Caught in the Sweep of History: Egypt in the Civil War – The Second Year” exhibit and documentary.

The exhibit covering Southern Illinois in the second year of the war is open and will be on display until April. Its companion video will premiere in April at the Liberty Theater.

Laura Varner, curator of collections at the museum, who aids in doing the research for the exhibit and documentary, said the funds help in gathering and displaying information about Southern Illinois in the Civil War.

Museum Director P. Michael Jones said “Our museum, although small strives to be professional and give the public a great experience. We could not produce these products without the IHC and it grants and we are thankful for our inclusion in the program.”