In The News

Bishop Hill Heritage Association receives two grants

This article orginally appeared in the Quad Cities Dispatch

Bishop Hill Heritage Association has recently received a grant of $1,300 from the Illinois Humanities Council (IHC) to support the 2013 Bishop Hill Chautauqua.

 The Chautauqua will take place in Bishop Hill’s village park on Saturday, Sept. 7. In a modern day Chautauqua, professional storytellersportray a variety of historical characters. The audience is able to listen to the historical figurestalk about their lives. The crowd can even ask them questions. Starting at 1 p.m., visitors will be able to listen to Carl Sandburg, Mother Bickerdyke, and a host of others. Without the support of the Illinois Humanities Council, this event would not be possible.

 In addition, the BHHA received $1,003 from the Swedish Council of America to sponsor the Rarely Seen Treasures from the Attic summer exhibit in the Steeple Building. Each month, never before seen artifacts from the BHHA collection will be displayed, and their stories will be told. Funding from the Swedish Council of America and the Illinois Arts Council enabled the Heritage to create this unique display.