Press Release

Upcoming Workshop Aims to Help Local Organizations Raise Money, Make Connections

CARBONDALE, IL- March 21, 2012— This April, local Southern Illinois museums, libraries and other non-profits will have the chance to raise funds for their projects and establish relationships and resources to publicize their events.

The Illinois Humanities Council (IHC) will be hosting a special Community Grant and Humanities Resource Day and lunch on Tuesday, April 17, at the Varsity Arts Center in Carbondale, Illinois. Attendees will learn about the IHC Community Grants program, best practices for public programming, and building effective partnerships for outreach and collaborations.

The Resource Day, last presented in Carbondale in 2010, came about with the realization that organizations involved in the humanities, unlike arts organizations, were so diverse that there were few opportunities for them to connect with each other, and in turn, support each other.  

“While there are professional networks and opportunities for libraries to meet with libraries, museums to meet with museums, and other cultural agencies to meet with one another, rarely is there an opportunity to bring all these groups – who have a stake in the public humanities – together to air, discuss, and problem-solve around issues of common concern.”, mentioned Ryan M. Lewis, Program Officer for the Illinois Humanities Council.  “If nothing else, with Humanities Resource Day we aim to showcase the potential for local and regional partnerships and the virtues inherent in a healthier humanities community.” 

The IHC’s Community grants are awarded four times a year, and any nonprofit group, organization, or institution is eligible to apply for financial support. The IHC funds public projects in the humanities, including local and community history projects, literary symposia, and other cultural events, with a priority to fund projects developed by, for, or aimed at reaching new or historically neglected audiences. This workshop continues the IHC’s longstanding efforts to make staff available for consultation and grant advice.

The Humanities Resource Day will take place Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 10am-2pm, at the Varsity Center for the Arts (418 S. Illinois Ave.) in Carbondale, Illinois. The event is free and open to the public, though registration is required and must be made by April 10. Registrations can be made online by emailing to or at (312) 422-5580. Registrants are asked to provide their name, organization they will be representing, and the organization’s address and phone number.  

About the Illinois Humanities Council

The Illinois Humanities Council is an independent, nonprofit state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, dedicated to fostering a culture in which the humanities are a vital part of the lives of individuals and communities. The IHC creates programs and funds organizations that promote greater understanding of, appreciation for, and involvement in the humanities by all Illinoisans, regardless of their economic resources, cultural background, or geographic location. The IHC is supported by state, federal, and private funds.

Media Contact:
Carlos Velázquez
(312) 422-5580, x233 

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