Interested grant applicants invited to attend workshop on application process and review IHC’s new funding guidelines
CHICAGO–The Illinois Humanities Council (IHC) invites grant applicants to a public Major and Mini Grant workshop on Monday, July 7, 2003 from 10:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. This workshop will be held at the Quincy Museum, 1601 Maine Street, Quincy. Any non-profit group, organization, or institution in Illinois is eligible to receive financial support from the IHC for a public project in the humanities.
As of April 15, the IHC has refined the general focus of the grants program, with a priority on funding projects developed by, for, or aimed at reaching new or historically neglected audiences. These include but are not limited to residents of rural communities, men and women with little formal education, inner city or other underserved youth (in after school or weekend programs), people who are economically disadvantaged, or the elderly. The IHC especially invites applications from organizations that serve these communities and strongly encourages other applicants to extend their proposed programs to include such audiences.
IHC program officers will staff the meeting and field questions about applying for grants for various types of projects, including documentary films, local and community history projects, literary symposia, and oral history projects. To register for this workshop, please contact the IHC at 312.422.5580, send e-mail to, or with the Quincy Museum at 217.224.7669.
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