Café Society will meet at Ron’s Barber Shop on Friday, March 11
From Left Behind? American Youth and the Global Fight for Democracy by Henry A. Giroux
“Counterpublic spheres and modes of resistance that we once did not think young people could mount have erupted in a rush of emotional and political expressions and scattered demonstrations….Young people have used the new media to mobilize mass demonstrations, pitting their bodies against the police, Army, and other repressive forces. But they have also used the Internet and various social networks such as Twitter and Facebook to reach across national boundaries.”
Questions for consideration
Why do youth all over the world organize online? How effective is online organizing? How is organizing protests and rallies helpful in raising awareness about the problems youth are facing? Does it offer real solutions to the difficulties nations are enduring? How is social media creating a forum for young people to build a new democracy?
Want to learn more?
- Tech Revolutionaries
- The real use of social media in the Egyptian revolution
- From clicktivism to activism: How shutting down the Internet helped fuel the Egyptian uprising
- Young Sudanese Start Protest Movement