Past Event

Where Did You Come From? Genetics and Genealogy

View this event and others in the Future Perfect series on-line or on television via the Illinois Channel.

Genetic tests that may shed light on ethnic ancestry are becoming increasingly popular.

What can genetics teach us about our ancestors? Can genetic genealogy help us recognize common ancestors and create connections between racial and ethnic groups? How do we pass down membership in a group—through genes or culture?


  • Creola A. Colón, Author, Self-Publisher, and Public Speaker (moderator)
  • Ronne Hartfield, Author, Poet, and Arts Administrator
  • Sloan Williams, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Anthropology Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

This program is presented in partnership with the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society-Northern Illinois Southern Wisconsin Chapter (AAHGS-NISW).

Reservations required. Reservations can be made by calling 815.965.7606 (option 5) or online at

If you need a sign interpreter, require other arrangements, to fully participate, or for more informaiton please call 312.422.5580.


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