Inspired by Chicago’s Twelve: 12 Artists Mobilizing the Earth, an exhibition curated by Sergio Gomez at the Garfield Park Conservatory, this conversation will investigate the relationship between art, nature and the possibility of a sustainable future. Re-using and salvaging discarded materials, the works of Chicago’s Twelve evoke a sense of renewal as they explore the aesthetic qualities of decay, erosion and environmental transformation. Join us for this intimate conversation with Sergio Gomez, Massani Muhammad, Dana Major Kanovitz, Alfonso Piloto Nieves, Mary Ellen Croteau, and Connie Noyes from Chicago’s Twelve. Moderated by artist and writer Daniel Tucker.
5:30pm Self-guided tours of Chicago’s Twelve
6:30pm A Conversation with various artists from Chicago’s Twelve and curator Sergio Gomez
About our guest speakers
Sergio Gomez is Chicago based visual artist. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. He is Owner/Director of 33 Contemporary Gallery, Curator/Director of Exhibitions at the Zhou B. Art Center, Founder/Director of; a curated online exhibition space for international contemporary art, Creative Consultant for Idea Seat Marketing & Advertising, Contributor for Italia Arte Magazine, Co-founder and Creative Director of 3C Wear, curator of the National Wet Paint Exhibition and Chicago’s Twelve among many other important exhbitions in Chicago and abroad. In addition, Sergio is an accomplished graphic designer, web designer and art & design profesor at South Suburban College.
Daniel Tucker works as an artist, writer, and organizer that develops documentaries, publications and events inspired by his interest in social movements and the places in which they emerge. He is currently editing the online oral history project and archive Never The Same and working on a documentary about the relationship between the Old Right and the New Left video while pursuing an MFA at the University of Illinois at
More about the Exhibit
Chicago’s Twelve is an exhibition celebrating World Earth Day. Curator Sergio Gomez has selected twelve Chicago artists currently turning their attention to Mobilizing the Earth, the focus of this year’s World Earth Day. Through interaction with environmental issues, the re-purposing of found objects, and utilization of non-traditional material, these artists call into question not only our present relationship with our world, but also the possibility of its sustainable future. Works in the exhibition will include installations, sculpture and mixed media. Artists in the exhibition include Jason Brammer, Mary Croteau, Victoria Fuller, Sharon Gilmore, Kim Guare, Salvador Jimenez Flores, Dana Major Kanovitz, N. Masani Muhammad, Yva Neal, Connie Noyes, Alfonso Piloto-Nieves, and Vivian Visser.
This program is co-sponsored by The Public Square – a program of the Illinois Humanities Council, Garfield Park Conservatory, and Zhou B Art Center.
This program was made possible in part by the generous support of the Joyce Foundation, improving the quality of life in the Great Lakes Region and across the country
Free and open to the public. For more information please call 312.422.5580. Reserve your spot here.
If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please call 312.422.5580. For parking locations near the facility, please visit