Past Event

What ails the Black body politic?

Café Society will meet at the Ron’s Barber Shop on Friday, February 11

James Thindwa, member of In These Times‘ Board of Directors and a labor and community activist, will be our guest speaker.

From What Ails the Black Body Politic by James Thindwa

“Can Black America, experiencing newfound pride in the first black president, challenge a Democratic Party in the grip of neoliberal orthodoxy and help reinvigorate progressive politics?…black political engagement is indispensable to the movement-building necessary to enact a real progressive agenda. Throughout history, African Americans have dissented, advocated and protested—translating those actions into public policy.”

Questions for Consideration

Why might Black voices of dissent feel stifled? How can Black America help reinvigorate progressive politics and what should a more progressive agenda look like? Polls show 90% of African Americans approving of the president’s job performance compared to 40 percent of white Democrats. What are possible reasons for this gap?

Want to learn more?

Study shows black youth are politically involved, critical of rap music and skeptical of a post–racial society

Political Engagement Hinges on Our Digital Literacy

Hard times, the Black Nation and the future

A Black Agenda Radio commentary


Free copies of In These Times magazine will be made available to discussion participants.

Free and open to the public. For more information, call 312.422.5580. 

If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please call 312.422.5580. For parking locations near the facility, please visit