Past Event

Wellsprings Eternal: Imagination and Innovation for Oil and Water

The challenges we face ahead in managing oil and water resources can be daunting.

What are the imaginative and creative solutions being developed? Can technology and design really solve the problems we face or will we need to consider much more significant changes and sacrifices at the individual, community, and global level?


  • Scott Bernstein – President and Co-founder, Center for Neighborhood Technology
  • Greg Watson – Senior Advisor for Clean Energy Technology, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs; Vice President for Sustainable Development, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
  • Henry Henderson – Midwest Program Director, Natural Resources Defense Council (moderator)

This event is free and open to the public. Reservations are required and can be made online, at, or by calling 312.422.5580.

Additional Activities

  • Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about Chicago’s award-winning Green Alley Program on a tour of the Couch Place green alley with Janet Attarian, Director for the Chicago Department of Transportation Streetscape and Sustainable Design Program.

    The tour will begin at 10:00 AM in front of the ABC 7 Chicago television studios (190 North State Street). Space is limited and separate reservations for the tour are required. Reserve your place online, by email, or at 312.422.5580.

  • Before and after the panel discussion, several Archeworks community design initiatives will be exhibited, including the Pocket Parks, Local Loops, Water Pressures, and Sustainable Food projects. UrbanLab’s award winning Growing Water project is also currently on display at Archeworks. Director Martin Felsen and current students will be present to discuss the program and projects. Also exhibited will be iGo’s electric car and a suberbarrel from the Center for Neighborhood Technology.

Wellsprings Eternal is presented in partnership with Archeworks and the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT).

Lead sponsorship for All-Consuming is provided by the Motorola Foundation and The Boeing Company, with additional support provided by Illinois American Water.
Chicago Public Radio and Illinois Channel are the media sponsors.