“Voyeurs de Venus,” a play by Lydia Diamond and directed by Russ Tutterow, explores the life of Saartjie Baartman and the modern African-American cultural anthropologist challenged with telling her story to a modern audience.
Ms. Baartman was a South African woman taken from her home in 1810 and displayed on the streets of Europe. She is most often and derogatorily referred to as “The Hottentot Venus.”
The discussion of “Voyeurs de Venus” will address questions about the play’s characters, dialogue, choice, and action. Lydia Diamond is joined by local experts on theatre, African American studies and sociology including; Ms. Sandra L. Richards, Professor of Theatre and African American Studies at Northwestern University, Ms. Mary Partillo, Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at Northwestern University and Ms. Lenora Brown, Professor of Dramaturgy at DePaul University. Director, Russ Tutterow, cast and crew will also be present to participate in the discussion.
The play, “ Voyeurs de Vunus “, runs through April 15, 2006 .
Regular Performances:
March 17 through April 15
Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 PM
Sundays at 3:00 PM
Regular Ticket Prices:
$20 Thursday & Sunday
$25 Friday & Saturday
$10 Student Performances
For more information, please contact Erin Gilbert at (312) 633-0630.