Join us for the second installment of the Envisioning Justice Rapid Response Series, created by Illinois Humanities to share short, original videos featuring perspectives and reflections from humanists, artists, and community organizers working in system-impacted communities amidst the coronavirus pandemic. During this time when many feel hurt, angry, and isolated, we hope this series can help to remind us of our undeniable interconnectedness.
Hosted by Tyreece Williams and Jane Beachy
Technical Direction by Tony Santiago
Tune in live Wednesday, June 3rd on the Illinois Humanities YouTube Channel.
As many Illinoisans stay socially distanced at home, thousands upon thousands are taking to the streets to protest against police brutality and systemic racism, and medical professionals, food providers, and delivery drivers have continued to put their lives and health at risk to avoid disruption of “essential services.” Meanwhile, incarcerated people and system-impacted people throughout the state still struggle to get to access adequate food, cleaning supplies, and protective equipment. How does this current public health crisis force us to examine basic human necessities, whose lives and work we value, and who has access to the services we’ve recognized as the most critical to our survival? Here to weigh in:
Anna Martine Whitehead | transdisciplinary artist
Brandon Wyatt | via Lauren Richie
Denzel Burke | Gwendolyn Brooks Youth Poetry Award-Winner
Keyria Rodgers | Dir. of Criminal Justice/Teen Justice, Millikin University
Quintin Williams | Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
TraVonn Jones | Connections to Success: East St. Louis
Williams Estrada | artist and educator, Telpochcalli Elementary/School of Art & Art History
***And stick around after the program for a live set by DJ L O Kari!***
In case you missed the premiere of this series, entitled REFUGE, you can watch it here.