Past Event

The Beast Program Series: On Disappointment with Simon Critchley

Artist John Preus and scholars Simon Critchley and Bart Schultz discuss political disappointment as the inspiration behind great thinking and social change.

Critchleys is Chair and Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York and Professor at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. Schultz is Senior Lecturer in Humanities, Special Programs Coordinator for the Graham School of General Studies, and Director of the Humanities Division’s Civic Knowledge Project at the University of Chicago.

On Disappointment with Simon Critchley is part of "The Beast" program series.

More on "The Beast" Exhibition and Artist John Preus:
"The Beast" is a new solo exhibition by Artist in Residence John Preus. "The Beast" structure will house a companion series of public events. Preus is best known for his work as the lead fabricator for Theaster Gates, and as the principal designer and builder of the Dorchester Projects’ Archive House. The exhibition features a two-story "architectural intervention," designed with an open meeting space inside. Materials used in construction of The Beast were harvested from six recently closed Chicago Public Schools on the South Side. The structure will be used as a site for free public programming including storytelling, music, panel discussions, and lectures – aimed at rethinking public space for inquiry, public dialogue, and creative production.

For exhibit details and a complete schedule of companion programming, visit .