Past Event

Synthesis of Classical Tafsir

During the first to seventh centuries of Islam numerous commentaries (known as tafsir) of the Qur’an were developed based on the knowledge brought forth by the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) and their generations. These tafsirs were filtered into modern tafsirs, the shorter versions that transmitted to Muslim populations. The classical tafasirs are numerous and provide extensive background of history and knowledge of the Qur’an commentaries. The purpose of this community forum meeting is to enhance for the society the intellectual understanding that was developed in the classical period.

Thisforum will feature Professor Muhammad Eissa. Prof. Muhammad Eissa is currently serving as the President of Eissa & Associates. In the past he has served as a senior professor at the Northwestern University and the University of Michigan in the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies. He obtained his Ph.D from the Al-Azher University as well as from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). He has served as an Associate Editor at the Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts at the Brigham Young University. He has specialized in classical Tafsir and the Arabic language and literature.

Admission is Free. Lunch Provided.

PARKING: Parking available onthe street or in theHoward Mohr parking lot on the Southwest corner of Jackson & DesPlaines Aves. Assurances were received from the Forest Park Village and Police Department that there will be no tickets given on Saturday and Sunday. If anyone is given any citation, please give them to us before you leave and we will take care of that.

For more information please contact Habib U. Ahmed at 708-366-9259 or