Cafe Society will be meeting at the Chicago Cultural Center on Wednesday, October 19
Rachel Caidor, who worked with Crisis Services at YWCA Chicago and was a founder of Incite! Women of Color Against Violence, and Sharmili Majmudar, executive director of Rape Victim Advocates will be our guest speakers.
From Slutwalk: The Media, The Message and the Gaze by Coco Papy
“There are some who refuse the reclamation of the word ‘slut,’ some who take pride in it, some to whom ‘slut’ is merely a secondary logo and is less important than the movement’s larger goal of fighting sexual assault against all women, and some who feel like Slutwalk is just another example of abiding racism present within the larger feminist movement. This is an evolving movement that will change over time and deal with the many intersections of a seriously broken culture; hopefully with the mentality of what is best for all.”
Questions for Consideration
Where is feminism headed in the 21st century? Are the SlutWalk marches feminism’s new face or are they detrimental to the cause? Can and should offensive words be reclaimed? How can feminism adequately address intersections of gender and race?
Want to find out more?
- Slutwalk: The Media, The Message and the Gaze
- “SlutWalk NYC: Real Empowerment, Corsets and All”
- An Open Letter from Black Women to the SlutWalk
- Does SlutWalk Speak to Women of Color?
- SlutWalk Chicago isn’t About Sluts
- Chicago Task Force on Violence Against Girls and Young Women
- SlutWalk NYC Organizers Consider Dropping “Slut” From Name
- What to Wear to SlutWalk
Free and open to the public. For more information, call 312.422.5580.
If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please call 312.422.5580. For parking locations near the facility, please visit