Sidney Finkel, a Holocaust survivor originally from Poland, has written a book, Sevek and the Holocaust: The Boy Who Refused To Die, relating his childhood experiences in the Jewish Ghetto and in both the Buchenwald and Terezenstadt concentration comps. He came to Chicago in 1947 to live with a relative and ended up becoming a successful businessman.
For the last 10 years, Finkel has been speaking extensively at schools in Illinois about his life experiences. His audiences gain a better understanding of the consequence of life in a racially and ethnically divided nation, understand how the circumstances of our world have been shaped by the choices of countless individuals and groups, and become more sensitized to inhumanity and suffering.
This event is part of Lake Land College’s Arts and Humanities series.
For more information, contact Ron Sanderson, special projects coordinator, at (217)234-5558 or visit Lake Land College’s website.