In the late 1960s, gang members in North Lawndale decided to make a change and enter the civic arena. With funding from major foundations, they organized youth, protested unfair housing policies and working conditions, and opened small businesses, and more. They called themselves…
Conservative Vice Lords, Inc.
Join us for the grand opening of this exhibit and explore past and present gang issues.
At the opening…
- Learn about the extraordinary, untold history of the Conservative Vice Lords
- Meet former Conservative Vice Lords members and listen to their stories
- Consider the history and potential of gang members as community organizers
Explore these questions and more…
- What would persuade gang members to change?
- Were the Conservative Vice Lords (CVL) a front for drugs or other illegal activity?
- Can a gang become a force for positive community change?
- What is the potential of gang members to bring peace to the streets of neighborhoods like North Lawndale, which has the highest murder rate of any community in Illinois?
This event is free and open to the public. The exhibit will be on display through 2012.
For more information, please visit the Jane Addasm Hull-House website or call (312) 413-5353.