Last month Mayor Rahm Emmanuel said decades of torture by police officers of African American suspects under former Police Commander Jon Burge was a “dark chapter in the history of the city of Chicago” and a “stain on the city’s reputation.” But has justice been done? What would reparations for Burge’s victims look like? View the new exhibit “Reparations On My Soul” and join the In These Times “Hot Off the Press Party” after this conversation with First Ward Alderman Joe Moreno and Flint Taylor, founding partner of the People’s Law Office.
- Alderman want reparations for Burge torture victims
- Alderman want to set up $20M fund for police torture victims
- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel apologizes for two decades of police torture
- Alderman wants $20 million fund for victims of police brutality
- Another obstacle to justice for torture victims
“Reparations On My Soul,” a new exhibit by the Chicago Torture Justice Memorials at Art In These Times, explores reparations as a meaningful act of redress for survivors of torture. This exhibit displays works by local and national artists that imagine speculative memorials recalling the city’s history of police torture and the struggle against it.
Flint Taylor is one of the lawyers for a number of men tortured by Chicago police under Commander Jon Burge, and a founding partner of the People’s Law Office, a civil rights law firm whose attorneys have been fighting for victims of police torture, brutality, wrongful convictions, false arrest and other government abuses for over 40 years. For more information about the People’s Law Office and its work visit
Free and open to the public. For more information please call 312.422.5580.
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