Reeltime Independent Film and Video Forum presents “Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working With Time” by German filmmaker, Thomas Riedelsheimer (2001, 90 min).
This meditative film follows renowned Scottish, landscape sculptor Andy Goldsworthy as he creates with ice, driftwood, leaves, stone, dirt and snow in open fields, beaches, rivers, creeks and forests. Riedelsheimer followed the artist for over a year in several outdoor locations, intimately documenting his improvisational process and capturing the serene spectacle of his works and their delicate changes. With each new creation, Riedelsheimer carefully studies the energetic flow and transitory nature of Goldsworthy’s work. “Rivers and Tides” was winner of the San Francisco Film Festival’s “Best Documentary” category.
Seating is on a first-come basis.
For more information, please contact Reeltime at the Evanston Public Library, 847-866-0300, or via their website,