Past Event

Pride, Prejudice, and Latino Experience in Southern Illinois

“Prejudice and Pride (1965-1980)” is the fifth episode in the PBS documentary series, Latino Americans. It examines the efforts of Latino farmworkers and labor organizers, artists, educators, and political activists to combat discrimination, strengthen community identity, and attain greater visibility and agency in American society in the mid- to late twentieth century. The episode addresses the farmworker movement led by César Chavez and Dolores Huerta, the socially influential plays, poetry, and films of Luis Valdez and Corky Gonzalez, and Sal Castro’s pursuit of equality in public education, among other topics.

Following the screening of the film, panelists whose personal or professional paths have intersected with themes and trends described in the film will discuss the experiences of Latinos in southern Illinois. The discussion will compare and contrast the developments described in the film with the experiences of Latinos in Union and Jackson counties. It will also trace those developments up to the present and examine how the experiences of Latinos in southern Illinois have evolved since the period on which the film concentrates. The audience will be welcome to participate.


Jeff Williams, associate director for radio and station manager, WSIU FM


René Francisco Poitevin, coordinator, Hispanic/Latino Resource Center, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Bridget Phillips, coordinator, Illinois Migrant Council Technology Learning Center, Cobden
Jane Adams, professor emeritus, anthropology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and local civic leader
Juana Duran, recent graduate of Southern Illinois University Carbondale and former migrant farmworker

This Illinois Humanities program is supported, in part, by a competitive Latino Americans: 500 Years of History grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the American Library Association (ALA). This fifth installment of a series of programs about the past, present and future of Latinos in the United States is presented in partnership with Illinois Migrant Council Technology Learning Center, Cobden Carbondale Public Library; and WSIU Public Broadcasting.

A Spanish-language interpreter will be provided for this event. If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please contact Matt Meacham at at least 72 hours prior to the event. For more information, please call 312.422.5589.