A Road Scholar Program by Chris Vallillo
In a program created for the 2012 Carl Sandburg Days Festival, award winning folksinger and songwriter Chris Vallillo presents a combination of Sandburg’s poetry paired with his original songs and instrumentals, as well as several of the songs Sandburg himself collected as a folklorist. Vallillo has been described as "Illinois’ pre-eminent prairie-poet singer-songwriter." Incorporating original and traditional material to make the people and places of "un-metropolitan" America come to life, Vallillo, much like Sandburg, spent several years collecting and documenting the music of rural Illinois. Come experience a musical portrait of the Midwestern way of life and see how one artist influences another, creating an Illinois folk music legacy that will endure for years to come.
This event is Free and Open to the public. For more information, please contact Kim Zumwalt, Watsekalibrary@yahoo.com.