Where do our tax dollars go and how can communities better advocate for the resources they need?
Lawmakers in Springfield are now debating changes to the state funding formula, but the issue of equitable funding has long been a primary concern for Illinois schools, parents, and students.
Join us for a look at the complex and controversial issue of school funding and learn about what you can do to advocate for your community. Northwestern University economist Kirabo Jackson looks at the role funding plays in student and teacher performance and considers whether a fair and equitable system is possible and, if so, what would this system look like. He’ll be joined by Beatriz Ponce de León (Generation All), Stephanie DeLeon (Kelly High School student), Mary Beck (Principal of Senn HS), and Nayla Hale (Kenwood Academy student) to talk about school funding – from statewide policy to its local, everyday impact.
More on Continuing Ed.: Parents and the Future of Illinois Public Schools
Continuing Ed. is a yearlong, statewide series working with parents, schools, and communities across the state – in Chicago, Decatur, Elgin, and Jackson County to move the conversation about public education back to parents. All Chicago events will be moderated by Laura Washington (Chicago Sun-Times). For the complete schedule and more information, see www.ILhumanities.org/education.
If you require a sign interpreter or any other arrangements to fully participate in this program, please contact info@ilhumanities.org at least 72 hours in advance of the event. For more information, please call (312) 422-5580.