Past Event

Opening the doors for affordable health care?

From “A Doctor’s View of the Supreme Court’s Health-Care Ruling” by Kent Sepkowitz

“The Supreme Court pronouncement will create countless challenges in the months and years ahead as individuals, hospitals, bureaucrats, and all the rest struggle to implement a complicated, clumsy, all-too-vague, expensive, and uncertain new directive. There will be countless moments of buyer’s remorse for ACA proponents and delicious I-told-you-so moments for those opposed. But the Supreme Court must be commended for reaching a little up and out of their usual dweeb-o-sphere and into the realm of the large, the daring, and the moral. They maturely have reminded us that we are all destined to become ill and destined to die; they saw that politicizing this sad truth by yielding to the infinitely fatiguing intricacies of health care was simply wrong.  Though the business of health care is far too big to ever fully succeed, they have reminded us that our pursuit of health must never stop.”

Questions for Consideration

How does the Affordable Care Act help you, if it does at all? Who benefits from the Act? What does the Affordable Care Act fail to do? What does it take to bring quality healthcare to all Americans? 

Want to learn more?

Free and open to the public. For more information, call 312.422.5580. 

If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please call 312.422.5580. For parking locations near the facility, please visit Chicago Parking Map