The Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, the UIC Department of Performing Arts, The Public Square at the IHC, and terraNOVA Collective present a special theatrical/poetry performance by Roger Bonair-Agard.
Free and open to the public. Reservations are recommended and can be made through the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum at 312.413.5353.
The performance weaves Bonair-Agard’s personal stories of growing up in Trinidad and his self-imposed exile to New York with the political and multicultural histories that shaped his identity. Kwame Dawes says of Roger Bonair-Agard: “[his] lyricism is sharpened by a deep sense of politics, a profoundly muscular intelligence and a sensuality that can be wholly and beautifully dangerous.”
Early 1980’s Trinidad. Michael Jackson. Adidas with fat laces. Football. Fine girls. It all was a part of growing up. But it was his mother’s strength and the sounds of calypso that taught him to be the man he is today. Poet. Teacher. Activist. Performer. Roger Bonair-Agard.
Sharing poetry, stories, and calypso over a bottle of rum, Bonair-Agard weaves living, breating tapestries that reveal “the journey of a man tracing the story of his self-imposed exile through music, memory, and poetry.”
For more information on Roger Bonair-Agard, including video clips, please visit the terraNOVA Collective website.
For more information on this event, visit the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum website.
This event is co-sponsored by the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum,the UIC Department of Performing Arts, The Public Square at the IHC, and terraNOVA Collective.
Free. Open to the public. For more information, call the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum at 312.413.5353.