From “Jason Collins: The Substance of Change” by Dave Zirin
“Thanks to the courage of 34-year-old NBA veteran Jason Collins, we can no longer repeat endlessly that no active male athlete in North America has ever come out of the closet…As Collins wrote, ‘No one wants to live in fear. I’ve always been scared of saying the wrong thing. I don’t sleep well. I never have. But each time I tell another person, I feel stronger and sleep a little more soundly. It takes an enormous amount of energy to guard such a big secret. I’ve endured years of misery and gone to enormous lengths to live a lie. I was certain that my world would fall apart if anyone knew. And yet when I acknowledged my sexuality I felt whole for the first time.'”
Questions for Consideration
Why is Jason Collins’ coming out significant? Why is this considered an act of courage by some? Is Collins a hero? Why or why not? How does (or doesn’t) Collins’ action help combat homophobia? How can we support full LGBT equality and inclusion?
Want to learn more?
- Sports Illustrated: Why NBA center Jason Collins is coming out now
- ESPN: The marketing potential of Jason Collins
- NY Times: Jason Collins Took Personal Steps Before Coming Out Publicly
- WBEZ: Why Jason Collins’ coming out is so meaningful
- The Atlantic: The WNBA Can Teach Male Athletes About Coming Out and Being Allies
- NY Daily News: Is Jason Collins a hero?
- NewBlackMan (in exile): “I’m black and I’m gay”: The Everydayness of Jason Collins (the remix)
- Colorlines: 9 LGBT Athletes of Color Who Paved the Way for Jason Collins
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