Past Event

International Uilleann Piping Day in Chicago, Illinois

International Uilleann Piping Day October 20, 2012
Enjoy the sound of Ireland at the Irish American Heritage Center and learn about the Uilleann pipes.
International Uilleann Piping Day, a global celebration of this unique Irish member of the bagpipes family will take place at various locations around the world on Saturday, October 20, including the Center.

The day includes demonstrations, workshops for students, led by Patrick Cannady, and viewing of live internet video streaming of performances from Na Piobairi Uilleann, the Dublin-based international association of Uilleann pipers.

Last year’s video streams from Dublin were nothing short of scintillating, with performances by leading lights such as Mick O’Brien and Sean Og Potts.

Admission is free and activities begin at Noon and continue until 6pm.

More details can be found on our Facebook event page (facebook/uilleannpipesinstructionchicago) and our Facebook (facebook/piobagusfidil) and Twitter (twitter/piobagusfidil) pages or email to keep up-to-date with event plans.

This event is part of an international day of celebration of the uilleann pipes, as a way to increase awareness of Ireland’s national instrument.