- EPA to make President Obama’s big move on climate change
- How Obama’s Climate Rule Could Change The U.S. Job Market
- EPA Moves to Cut Coal Pollution, But Critics Say Plan Falls Short on Real Emissions Reduction
- Coal country and EPA rules: Not always partisan
Josh Mogerman, Deputy Director, National Media, National Resources Defense Council
Three things are pretty central to my hometown, Springfield, IL: the state capitol, Abraham Lincoln, and corn as far as the eye can see. In a way, all three of these central Illinois icons pushed me to where I am today with an abiding love for nature, history, and catty politics. They also combine to make me acutely aware that we occupy a unique moment in history where our actions or inaction will resonate for generations to come. As for NRDC, I handle communications for a weird mix of NRDC’s efforts including energy issues in the Midwest, greening of Chicago, endangered species and western wildlife issues. When I am not worried about dirty fuels and changes to the Endangered Species Act, play bass guitar, try to keep my 120 year old house on the south side from crumbling and chase around a wee-bitty son, born on … you guessed it … Lincoln’s birthday.
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