Read the full article below:
“Florida Self-Defense Law Complicated Juror’s Job in Michael Dunn trial” by Lizette Alvarez
“Florida Self-Defense Law Complicated Juror’s Job in Michael Dunn trial” by Lizette Alvarez
Questions For Consideration:
What are some of the challenges of Florida’s self-defense “Stand your Ground” law? Did the media coverage of the trial provide a clear and accurate picture of the decision facing the jury? In America, what does justice for Jordan Davis look like?
Want to learn more?
- Florida ‘loud-music’ murder trial’s verdict evokes mixed reactions
- Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law under fire after trial verdict
- Justice for Jordan
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If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please call 312.422.5580 at least 72 hours prior to the event. For parking locations near the facility, please visit ChicagoParkingMap.com. – See more at: http://www.prairie.org/events/28217/writing-freedom/escribir-es-libertad%3A-bilingual-reading-and-conversation-leonardo-padur#sthash.Sg5yHBMM.dpuf