Past Event

Crosscurrents: Ethanol, Oil, and Water in Southern Illinois

  • See photos from this event in our Photo Gallery 

Ethanol shows promise as a replacement for fossil fuels, yet requires significant water and land resources to produce. What is the promise of ethanol and what are its limitations?  How does producing ethanol influence the supply and demand for water?

Crosscurrents will examine the environmental and ethical questions involved in increased ethanol production.


  • Christopher Lant, Ph.D. – Professor, UCOWR Executive Director, Environmental Resources and Policy Co-director, Department of Geography and Environmental Resources, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
  • John Caupert – Director, National Corn-To-Ethanol Research Center, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • Christopher H. Pearson, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (moderator)
  • Ira Altman, Ph.D. -Assistant Professor, Department of Agribusiness Economics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Christopher Pearson via email.

This event is presented in partnership with Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Lead sponsorship for All-Consuming is provided by the Motorola Foundation and The Boeing Company, with additional support provided by Illinois American Water.
Chicago Public Radio and Illinois Channel are the media sponsors.