Past Event

Art, Trauma and War

Café Society will meet at the Cultural Center on Wednesday, November 17

Aaron Hughes, a veteran, artist, and Chicago-based IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War) organizer will be our guest speaker.

From “Traumas of War in Everyday America” by Austin McCann

“We’re in the midst of an epidemic of suicide, homicide, depression, and homelessness among veterans. And this is just the beginning.” But, he [Aaron Hughes] offers, “I want Chicago In War to change that”….Citing a political climate of silence surrounding veterans and the war, Hughes argues, “We know we’re at war, but we can’t talk about it. This show is about bringing those repressed traumas to the surface, about putting the disconnects of our society in context.”

Questions for Consideration:

Why should we talk about war? How can art help veterans and soldiers express their experience with war?
As a society, how can we be more intentional about dealing with the trauma that soldiers experience when at war? What can we do to create an environment that is more sensitive to the needs of veterans?

Want to learn more?

Free. Open to the public. For more information, please call 312.422.5580.

If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please call 312.422.5580. For parking locations near the facility, please visit