Join us for another edition of the African Jubilee Film Festival as we screen two films: Touki Bouki and Atlantiques. In Touki Bouki, Mory, a cowhered and Anta a university student, dream of a life of glamour and conspicuous consumption in Paris. They hustle, gamble, cheat and steal to gain their passage to Europe while Josephine Baker sings, “Paris, Paris, Paris,” incessantly in the background. This Sengalese film tells the story of a rebellious young Dakar couple’s alienation from Africa and the delusions about Europe.
In Atlantiques, we get a short glimpse into the lives of fugitives who tell their story of escape from North Africa to Spain via the Atlantic Ocean. It reframes the issues raised in Touki Bouki 38 years ago: young people and their desire to escape the economic realities of Africa for the siren call of a proseperous Europe.
Floyd Webb, Independent Filmmaker and Co-Curator of the African Jubilee Film Festival will lead a post-screening discussion and Q & A.
This screening is part of the African Jubilee Film Festival which runs until December 5.
This event is co-sponsored by portoluz, The DuSable Museum of African American History, the African American Studies and Gender and Women’s Studies departments at UIC, and The Public Square. portoluz is producer of the African Jubilee Film Festival.
Free and open to the public. For more information, call 312.422.5580.
If you need a sign interpreter or require other arrangements to fully participate, please call 312.422.5580. For parking locations near the facility, please visit