Café Society will meet at Valois on Thursday, May 5
From “Is Sugar Toxic?” by Michael Y. Park
“A 2009 lecture by a pediatric endocrinologist named Robert H. Lustig has become a viral phenomenon on YouTube, not least because it carries a startling message: Sugar is a poison. Not just a poison in the sense that it’s bad for you and makes you fat, lethargic and unhealthy, but a poison in the sense that, according to Lustig, it’s responsible for many of the major ills common among Americans today, from hypertension to cancer.”
Questions for Consideration
How much thought do you give to your sugar consumption? Given that studies have linked an increase in sugar with weight gain and other popular diseases affecting Americans, what can be done? What kind of alternative sweeteners exist? If processed sugar is indeed hazardous to our health, should our government step in and regulate whether it appears in our food? How can people better educate themselves to moderate their own sugar consumption?
Want to learn more?
Sugar: The toxicity question and what to do about it
Sugar May Be An Empty Nutrient, But Is It Poisonous?
Living life and loving sugar
5 Highlights From the ‘Toxic Sugar’ Video
Is Sugar Toxic?